Monday, September 9, 2019

Studying should be like training for sports

If you wanted to run a marathon in two months, how would you prepare for it?  Would you run a few miles each day, slowly adding distance over time?  Or, would run 20 miles the night before the big race?

If you wanted to squat twice your body-weight in a power-lifting meet in three months, how would you train for that?  Would you try to squat 1.9 times your body-weight the night before the meet?  Or, would you squat on a regular basis, slowly adding weight over time?

If you have any sense, in both scenarios above, you would choose the progressive, steady approach over making a last-ditch effort.  Studying, whether it be for an exam, a class or for your own personal edification, should be carried out in much the same way that you would train for an athletic endeavor.

Studying for 15 minutes per day, 7 days a week is a far more effective way to learn than studying for 2 hours once per week.  If you want to learn a new skill, make a habit of spending a little time on it every day.  Doing so will enable you to learn material at a deep quickly and retain it for a long period of time.

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